Global Soccer Network
Soccer analytics consulting - let us do the math
Using all our expert knowledge & available resources,GSN is offering the most unique & sophisticated analysis data to the soccer world.
Our services
Global Soccer Network wants to support every forward-thinking professional soccer club or soccer federation/association and their respective recruiting-,scouting- and analysis staff and simplify the decision making process.
Therefore we offer the most objective & all-around player analysis & evaluation system inside the football industry,based on our unique algorithms.

Global coverage
Global Soccer Network is able to rate and compare players/teams from different leagues,competitions or countries using the GSN-Index.
GSN covers over 450.000 players &Â every relevant professional-,semi-professional and youth league & competition worldwide.

More data than you could possibly imagine
Global Soccer Network is able to search and filter players in hundreds of different categories and add these filters into the requested reports.
Performance data,personal data,physical data,injury reports,market values,price performance ratio & a lot more.
We deliver everything.

Unique player evaluation
Global Soccer Network offers the most objective & all-around player analysis & evaluation system inside the football industry,based on our unique algorithms.
The GSN Index actually shows if a player is over- or underrated. It also identifies standout and weak performers, top prospect or veteran.
The GSN-Index
Analyzing players the easy way
What makes the GSN Index so special

Soccer is increasingly becoming a global multi billion business.The present transfer market for players is a money machine, in which large sums of money are being paid for transfers and salaries.
Due to this many players are bought and sold for much too much.
It is, therefore, essential to exactly know the market value of a player in order to avoid bad investments or disinvestments in overvalued/undervalued players at an early stage.
Global Soccer Network can deliver the above mentioned assessment index which evaluates players globally.The assessment process is based on 4 pillars mentioned above.
- The Index makes it possible to compare players from different countries and leagues.
- The most important asset of the GSN Index, however, is being able to show unknown, completely undervalued players.
- Expensive players who are completely overvalued can be made out in the same way.
- With the GSN Index, it is not only possible to tell how good a player currently is. It is also possible to tell how good he will become in the future & when he will reach his peak.
- Therefore, for the efficient work and economy of your soccer club the GSN Index is an absolute MUST.
What we also offer
The GSN Index is the most important thing - but we offer a lot more!
coming soon...
Global Soccer Network
Hermann Löns Weg 95
69207 Sandhausen